
Children's toys

Children's toys are articles designed for children's games. Toys are children to imagine, thinking and other psychological processes to the pillars of behavior. Children's toys can develop athletic ability, training consciousness, stimulate imagination, arouse curiosity, for the physical and mental development of children to provide material conditions.

The main types of children's toys are: image toys, technical toys, stitching and assembling toys, architectural and structural toys, sports toys, music sound toys, labor activities toys, decorative toys and homemade toys. The general educational requirements for toys are: to promote the full development of children, Germany, Chile and the United States; meet the characteristics of children's age, to meet their curiosity, good move and explore the desire of the activities; beautiful shape, reflecting the typical characteristics of things; Activities change, help to encourage learning; meet the health requirements, color non-toxic, easy to clean, disinfection; meet the safety



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